[Diy_efi] Wide band sensor, F1

Adam Wade espresso_doppio at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 22 20:47:59 UTC 2005

--- Diesel Services <dsl at airnet.net.nz> wrote:

> on the vehicle its a different story and can only
> rely on egt/boost pressure and eye balling smoke
> emission .not very scientific.

Yes, but I am still wondering why it would matter what
AFR you are running, unless you want to check if you
are running too rich at full throttle.  Whatever the
AFR is at part throttle is whatever it needs to be to
maintain the requested power output; the actual number
is a non-issue, since diesels are designed to run
very, very lean mixtures to reduce power.  The AFR is
simply how a diesel varies its power output, and there
is no "target" AFR except for full throttle.

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