[Diy_efi] Re: Diy_efi Digest, Vol 6, Issue 23

Bernd Felsche bernie at innovative.iinet.net.au
Fri Aug 26 23:24:19 UTC 2005

On Saturday 27 August 2005 06:15, Ian Molton wrote:
> Bernd Felsche wrote:
> > For a little while. You have to remember that the very high pressure
> > jets on the DI injectors blast the fuel mostly sideways; at very
> > high speed. Depending on the material of the pre-chamber, that
> > pre-chamber may progressively become eroded and increase in volume
> > until the engine no longer works.

> Most likely aluminium alloy in my engine. I had been wondering about
> erosion from the spray.

> I know standard injectors will happily squirt fuel through skin like a
> hypodermic - I take it the higher pressure of CR systems will actually
> blow away metal from the chamber?

> what sort of timeframe are we talking for noticeable damage?

Too many variables like actual pressure, distance to surface where
the jet impinges, alloy type, temperature, presence of contaminants,
... could be 10 hours. Could be 1000 hours.

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