[Diy_efi] ALDL interface design(did some changes)

Dennis Aspö hisdivineshadow
Tue Jul 19 21:33:13 UTC 2005

I built my own version of the ALDL interface at the bottom today and it has
exactly the same problems the original one did, so either the design doesn't
work with my ECM, or my laptop is bad, .or my EPROM/ECM is bad.
Also found an ALDL test program I will run and I have also removed the 10k
resistor between A and B, I hear it's not neccesary with a 1227730 ECM.

Just recently I found a really interesting one by Rbob on the thirdgen
forums, bloody weird how the smallest thing in the search can help you find
the most interesting and usefull things, especially since I didn't find it
when I searched for stuff like it specifically :p

Well anyway you guys don't have to bother anymore if you don't want to, I am
going to continue testing this one and I will soon have a new PROM and
adapter and programmer from moates if that is the problem.

Later, I'll be leaving in a few hours for a 10 day vacation in the Aland
islands(Finland) and Iwill be driving my GTA there :)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dennis Asp?" <hisdivineshadow at robothobos.com>
To: <diy_efi at diy-efi.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 1:35 AM
Subject: [Diy_efi] ALDL interface design(did some changes)

> I was looking at Jonas Bylund's160 baud ALDL interface and it's very
> however for 160 baud only. However I thought, what if I change it from
> http://winaldl.joby.se/interface.gif
> To this:
> http://unitednucular.com/misc/images/aldl-output.jpg
> What I did was just to connect the E and M to allow for 8192 baud
> communication but is it that simple? Would this design bomb if I tried it?
> Also I have another design here I copied from an interface I bought which
> didn't work, but it might have been other issues than the design, I was
> hoping that somebody here would know enough about these things to be able
> determine if this would work or not.
> I am running with a 1227730 ECM by the way, others have had problems with
> this unit and the '165 and '730.
> Here is the other design:
> http://unitednucular.com/misc/images/aldl2.gif
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