[Diy_efi] Speed sensor

RogeranCarol rogerancarol
Sat Jul 23 04:22:54 UTC 2005

BlankYou didn't say if your using the auto trans--I assume your not, since
the trans would give you the VSS you need. So, if your using the
PCM that came with the engine, and a different trans you only need a
VSS  that goes inline with your speedo cable. I believe your
PCM needs a 2000pulse per mile square wave, as far as engine
management is concerned. I also believe the '94 PCM will be looking for
inputs from the 4l80e that will not be forth coming. I don't think the 
of these signals will cause you an engine management problem, but will
probably set the "check engine" light--if you install one.
Not sure when TBI was introduced into the truck line, but if you have a
TBI engine to start with, then you have an ECM  which would manage the new 
and already have the appropriate VSS (in the speedometer?).
Also, if you use an auto trans with a converter that locks up, you'll need 
to determine
which ECM pin to connect to.

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