[Diy_efi] Ignition Timing

Jim Butterfield jimbutterfield
Tue Jul 26 22:32:32 UTC 2005

Gm uses these knock sensors to the hilt.. when the detonation occurs the pcm pulls timing on the car to slow you down and slow get things back in check... the only time Ive seen popped pistons is when someone had a failure.. like fuel pump not working or working poorly... and when people mod there cars ( dropping pulley size to increase boost) and not scanning there cars... you cant beef up modern cars without knowing whats going on inside.. 
the gm knock sensor works great for our application... :)

Adam Wade <espresso_doppio at yahoo.com> wrote:

--- "Becker, Damon (Damon)" wrote:

> Set MBT (by extapolation, I'm assuming) and let the
> knock sensing system handle it? I'm not sure that's
> a good way. The reason I'm not sure is the knock
> sensor requires actual knock to happen before it can

snip ------snips------- nips ------snip----- snip

I don't udnerstand what the problem would be with that.

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