[Diy_efi] Link for greenfire spark plugs...

Adam Wade espresso_doppio
Thu Jun 9 02:40:09 UTC 2005

--- mark krawczuk <krawczuk at dodo.com.au> wrote:

> hi, who cares on the scientific reasoning how it
> works?

Anyone who is interested in understanding the physical
world, and in thinking up new ideas to expand our
knowledge and abilities, I should think.

> i had things work that defies logic reasoning....

Everything that occurs in the physical world can
eventually be tapped by reasoning and deduction.  In
my experience, the only barrier to this is lack of
understanding.  If you're missing pieces of the
puzzle, then you can't "connect the dots" with
inductive reasoning.

> i dont care if its a peice of cheese connected up to
> a spark plug lead and pushed into the spark plug
> hole,  as long as it DOES what it says  i`ll 
> be happy.......

How do you propose to determine if it does what it
says if you cannot understand any of how it works?

How do you propose to determine its operational
veracity at all?

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