[Diy_efi] Link for greenfire spark plugs...

mark krawczuk krawczuk
Thu Jun 9 07:08:06 UTC 2005

hi,  can anybody remember those    capacitor type  things that  pluged in ya 
coil to dizzy  lead, and increased the  spark ?
the  guy at a flea market  demonstrated one, showed a   cil setup , without 
it in ,  decent spark, then he put the thing in, and spark was better......
but  the weird thing  was,   instead of just  plugging  the thing in, which 
he did , he then   turned this switch, flicked that switch  then  tried 
it,,,, seemed  a bit of a con to me..
mark k

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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Adam Wade" <espresso_doppio at yahoo.com>
To: <diy_efi at diy-efi.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Diy_efi] Link for greenfire spark plugs...

> --- mark krawczuk <krawczuk at dodo.com.au> wrote:
>> hi, who cares on the scientific reasoning how it
>> works?
> Anyone who is interested in understanding the physical
> world, and in thinking up new ideas to expand our
> knowledge and abilities, I should think.
>> i had things work that defies logic reasoning....
> Everything that occurs in the physical world can
> eventually be tapped by reasoning and deduction.  In
> my experience, the only barrier to this is lack of
> understanding.  If you're missing pieces of the
> puzzle, then you can't "connect the dots" with
> inductive reasoning.
>> i dont care if its a peice of cheese connected up to
>> a spark plug lead and pushed into the spark plug
>> hole,  as long as it DOES what it says  i`ll
>> be happy.......
> How do you propose to determine if it does what it
> says if you cannot understand any of how it works?
> How do you propose to determine its operational
> veracity at all?
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