[Diy_efi] Air/Fuel meter now working! And L-jetronic

Adam Wade espresso_doppio
Fri Jun 17 00:30:10 UTC 2005

--- Astrona <amdcpu at hot.ee> wrote:

> If we have 50cc exhaust gases in 500cc cylinder, the
> intake air is 450cc.

Assuming that none of the air got pushed back out by
the exhaust gases, and also assuming they are at the
same pressure (it's pretty much guaranteed they are
not).  Further, the amount of exhaust dilution will
change the burn rate, which might dictate a change in
fueling to accomodate it optimally.

> At the exhaust valve, there is already A-F-mixture
> not air, if some of the mixture goes to the exhaust,
> the AFR won't change.

That's assuming that A) all the fuel is delivered well
before valve overlap occurs, and B) homogeneity of the
imcoming mixture is perfect, and does not change based
on valve opening, exhaust velocity and temperature,

I can assure you, these things are all important in
determining how much fuel should be delivered.

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