[Diy_efi] Fuel injecting a Cad 500
Scott Pearson
Thu Mar 10 13:38:35 UTC 2005
How about using a 368 Cadillac TBI manifold? This appears to be a bolt on
for a 500ci. Use a 454 TBI unit and a 1227747. The 368 distributor would
probably work.
If you need more details, I have an 80 Seville parts car with this system. I
haven't looked at it much, but could snap some photos for you.
Again - Please turn off the HTML people!!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bret Levandowski" <skishop69 at yahoo.com>
To: "A list for Do-It-Yourself EFI" <diy_efi at diy-efi.org>
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2005 8:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Diy_efi] Fuel injecting a Cad 500
> It's not terribly difficult. I've seen a couple of Jeepers do that motor
> and I've done some small block conversions myself but I'm new at the
> programming. First thing, you'll need to find a BB throttlebody and the
> preheat adapter plate. It's the plate that allows it to be bolted to any
> four barrel manifold and it's the hardest to find. I won't get more
> detailed, but if you would like help go ahead and mail me.
> skishop69 at yahoo.com Ski
> jim crisp <wrenchn03 at yahoo.com> wrote:I'd like to tap into the wealth of
> knowledge out there..
> I have a very low mileage Cad 500 motor that I'm about to be install in my
> 86 GMC short wide.
> I'm after performance and MPG.
> Just curious if anyone has installed a throttle body injection system on a
> Cad motor and what were the results.
> I just ordered the DIY manual this morning from "customefis" and am always
> wanting to know more.
> Thanks in advance.
> jim c
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