[Diy_efi] cranking torque

Mike niche
Mon Oct 31 11:06:41 UTC 2005

At 06:47 PM 10/31/05, you wrote:
>The 180 amps that you are seeing is the upper end of what
>you would expect with the plugs in.

Ah - yes with plugs out would be considered high then  !  :(
I was hoping some oil pressure would bed the bearings in
after a few minutes of fast idling, not at that stage though <groan>

>The 348 was a sure sign of over tight. Did you by any chance
>check your bearing crush before you went with the loose bolt

Yes, plastigauge, but smallest was 0.025mm to 0.076mm but,
service manual says 0.01mm for big ends, cant get smaller
plastigauge though :( So best bet was to use the 0.025mm stuff
and all was ok - well close enough to 0.025 or 0.020 still within
the min of 0.01 mm

>Or for that matter what precipitated your desire to change
>bearings in the first instance.

Noise at over 2300rpms from front of engine, cyl 1, 2 and 3
big ends were worn and showed signs of oil starvation, scoring
on two of the main crank bearings, Absolutely no damage to
crank journals - think I caught it in time <sigh>

>As for your oil less cranking a sure sign that rtfm was not
>employed. Oil pumps are not air pumps. they rely on a quite
>viscous liquid to seal the gaps b/w the rotors and the housing
>so the best method uses  good old vaseline in the pump to act
>as the sealant until the oil arrives.

Manual doesnt say anything bout vaseline :( I did try to back
feed some oil into pump through sender hole but didnt work.
Am looking through oil flow diagram in manual, might be able to back
feed some oil through pipe that leads to oil filter.

The oil pump is the classic eccentric gear type pump and yes
it did get a blast of compressed air down one of its galleries,
I guess this might have emptied it ? Its not the rotor type,
so is that still needing oil/vaseling to seal it before it starts ?

Are you saying these pumps really do need full priming ?

>Oh and completely off topic... I was pleasantly surprised to see
>one of your fuse holders on a VL that I was dynoing the other day.

Neato, but havent sold any for a few weeks, then I get three
enquiries in 4 days, getting close to summer i guess, just got
some bare boards in - have to populate them this week. Useful
defacto currency when swapping for air shockies or backup
oil pumps <chuckle>

>Shame you don't supply unstickable pressure regs as well; this
>on hit 105 psi with all std bits.  It's the extra punishment for
>taking too long on a project. Rusted up regulators.

Sorry dont quite get the contractions here, 105psi - you mean
fuel pressure regulator - thats quite a high pressure or is that
a transient peak ?



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