[Diy_efi] Dead cold rough idle

Adam Wade espresso_doppio
Fri Feb 17 21:27:11 UTC 2006

--- "Lee M. Lemoine" <llemoine at gmail.com> wrote:

> I guess thats also possible..  it seems to be odd
> that it idles up fine, but then after the cold
> start enrich decays off, it starts this problem..

I don't know a great deal about GM ECUs, but am I
correct in assuming that the idle air bypass is based
on coolant temperature alone, or coolant + intake air
temp?  Is it possible that the coolant temp enrichment
is insufficient to match the idle air bypass setting
at that same coolant and intake temps?

Again, not sure if the GM ECUs work that way, but many
others do, and it was the first thing that came to
mind.  What happens if you enrich the lower bins in
the coolant temp enrichment map and slightly lean the
accel enrichment at those same temps?

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