[Diy_efi] gm vortec efi

Dustin Lof bubblesjrtwo
Mon Feb 27 23:21:18 UTC 2006

I havent checked my mail since wed, I had two thoughts
reading this thread, one is the vortech sbc has a
serious problem with the intake gaskest leaking
coolant into the oil and externally, the production
gasket has a plastic frame with a bead of rubber
inside of it, it looks nice and impressive but, what a
piece of junk, the aluminum intake expanding and
contracting against the cast heads tears the gasket
apart, fel-pro has released a gasket pn MS98000T it is
a steel shim backed with rubber on both sides, so far
we have had no comebacks once we started using this

Second thought is fuel injector cleaner, valvoline pn
VP053 every 3,000 miles, retail is about $6.00 I have
many customers cars that can be used as an example but
I will use my wifes 96 Grand Prix with a 3.1, Dead
miss, plugged injector, tap the injector with a screw
driver miss goes away, add a bottle of cleaner to tank
then and every oil change after, still no miss, this
was over a year ago.
--- jb <jonnbell at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 2/23/06, Bret Levandowski <skishop69 at yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> > The SBC manifolds are very dependable. Very seldom
> do they leak. As for the
> > injector assembly.... what a pile of garbage.
> Sticking, clogging, leaking...


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