[Diy_efi] RE: Nissan KA24E ECU and CAS

John Smith1882 dirtrider218
Fri May 5 18:48:15 UTC 2006

I don't have the actual parts; this is the best image I have found thus far 
after DAYS of searching.


Now that my suspicions have been confirmed on the conditioning circuit, it 
shouldn't be hard to build one with a 556 IC. I already have a handful of 
optical switches, so the trigger wheel will be the only real challenge. I 
think in order to keep machine time down, I may just make a crank-mounted 
angle wheel with 180 windows instead and a seperate 50% underdriven 4-window 
injector wheel.

I still haven't found any definite confirmation that the injector pulse 
alone can tell the computer the rough crank angle. Supposedly it will throw 
a code, yet still run...

>Message: 3
>Date: Fri, 05 May 2006 10:20:54 +0800
>From: "Mike" <niche at iinet.net.au>
>Subject: Re: [Diy_efi] RE: Nissan KA24E ECU and CAS
>To: diy_efi at diy-efi.org
>Message-ID: < at>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>Suggest email us a picture, because this sounds so much like the
>RB30 CAS and I have done a study of that one, there is no cam
>control but there are two lots of pulses which overlap to signal tdc...

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