[Diy_efi] Re: Low pressure propane injection with gasoline injectors.

John Smith1882 dirtrider218
Mon May 15 19:09:29 UTC 2006

I had envisioned a system similar to the one you describe. I don't expect 
freezing to be an issue with just one or more likely two 30 lb/hr injectors 
on an engine making ~30hp. I will use as long of a hose between the tank and 
regulator as necessary to keep from "going liquid" as us paintballers say. I 
will probably experiment with copper pipe to make a fuel rail I can solder 
together. That way I can put whatever fittings I need wherever I want

I wouldn't normally consider propane an option, but I only know of one or 
two places to locally get race fuel I don't think any of the 76 stations 
around here have pump 100 and ZERO stations have E-85. In fact, I would 
prefer E-85 over all the others, but there is only a single station here in 
California that sells it publicly and it is about 5 hours away. E-85 is less 
than $2.25/gal whereas pump premium 91 is ~$3.80, racing 100 or higher is 
~$6.00/gal, and propane is ~$2.00/gal.

Hopefully I can keep this topic going. Everyone says that CNG/LPG injectors 
are special and costly, etc, but using more common gaslione injectors would 
be a great option for the amateur.

>Message: 2
>Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 10:04:41 +1000
>From: Justin Albury <justin at jacomms.com>
>Subject: Re: [Diy_efi] Low pressure propane injection with gasoline
>	injectors.
>To: diy_efi at diy-efi.org
>Message-ID: <4467C599.9020103 at jacomms.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>many years ago i had a go at this and ended up with frozen injectors.  I
>kept on going and found that i needed a regulated rail pressure of
>around 18psi of vapor ( this was in a v6 non turbo). back then i was
>working in our family workshop out in the sticks in a town with a
>population of around 1000 people so i didnt have access to many non
>standard parts, i used a air reg from the workshop as a gas vapor geg
>and found i had to feed both ends of the rail.  it almost worked but
>just keept freezing injectors.  with you small cc eng and the huge
>injectors around today it would be worth a go..  When i meet up with
>Bill many years ago he mentioned his system that was in development and
>thats where  my playing  with petrol injector ended, as well as i bought
>a house in the small city of goulburn and didnt have all that much time
>to play .....well then my TTV6 evolved and I ended up with a prototype
>system of Bills.  It works very well......hope this is of some help

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