[Diy_efi] Electronic propane injection

KN Head2Wind
Mon May 15 19:25:52 UTC 2006

I am not affiliated with them; this is just contact info for the BC, Canada
distributor of the http://www.prins-lpg.com/en/prins/ product line.  I will
be getting quotes on product costs here shortly.

"interest in the VSI product.  We are the Canadian distrubutor of this
product and would love to help you.  Please call me at (604)-308-9430

Thanks again 

Willie Stephen [wstephen at maxquip.ca]
VP Pacific Region 
MaX-Quip Inc"

-----Original Message-----
From: diy_efi-bounces at diy-efi.org [mailto:diy_efi-bounces at diy-efi.org] On
Behalf Of John Smith1882
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 12:09 PM
To: diy_efi at diy-efi.org
Subject: [Diy_efi] Re: Low pressure propane injection with

I had envisioned a system similar to the one you describe. I don't expect 
freezing to be an issue with just one or more likely two 30 lb/hr injectors 
on an engine making ~30hp. I will use as long of a hose between the tank and

regulator as necessary to keep from "going liquid" as us paintballers say. I

will probably experiment with copper pipe to make a fuel rail I can solder 
together. That way I can put whatever fittings I need wherever I want

I wouldn't normally consider propane an option, but I only know of one or 
two places to locally get race fuel I don't think any of the 76 stations 
around here have pump 100 and ZERO stations have E-85. In fact, I would 
prefer E-85 over all the others, but there is only a single station here in 
California that sells it publicly and it is about 5 hours away. E-85 is less

than $2.25/gal whereas pump premium 91 is ~$3.80, racing 100 or higher is 
~$6.00/gal, and propane is ~$2.00/gal.

Hopefully I can keep this topic going. Everyone says that CNG/LPG injectors 
are special and costly, etc, but using more common gaslione injectors would 
be a great option for the amateur.

>Message: 2
>Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 10:04:41 +1000
>From: Justin Albury <justin at jacomms.com>
>Subject: Re: [Diy_efi] Low pressure propane injection with gasoline
>	injectors.
>To: diy_efi at diy-efi.org
>Message-ID: <4467C599.9020103 at jacomms.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>many years ago i had a go at this and ended up with frozen injectors.  I
>kept on going and found that i needed a regulated rail pressure of
>around 18psi of vapor ( this was in a v6 non turbo). back then i was
>working in our family workshop out in the sticks in a town with a
>population of around 1000 people so i didnt have access to many non
>standard parts, i used a air reg from the workshop as a gas vapor geg
>and found i had to feed both ends of the rail.  it almost worked but
>just keept freezing injectors.  with you small cc eng and the huge
>injectors around today it would be worth a go..  When i meet up with
>Bill many years ago he mentioned his system that was in development and
>thats where  my playing  with petrol injector ended, as well as i bought
>a house in the small city of goulburn and didnt have all that much time
>to play .....well then my TTV6 evolved and I ended up with a prototype
>system of Bills.  It works very well......hope this is of some help

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