[Diy_efi] Is E85 worth it? Speed factor?

Adam Wade espresso_doppio
Mon Sep 4 05:33:51 UTC 2006

--- Ernest Buckler <ebuckler at icehouse.net> wrote:

> I haven't seen anyone put SPEED into this set of
> equations yet: If we average 90 mph instead of 60
> mph, we instantly reduce the average TIME of 
> emissions by 1/3.  If mpg did not drop by 1/3, the
> difference is a net gain in reduced emissions.

Sorry, your math is wrong.  :)  We covered the same
distance, and used the same amount of gas doing so;
therefore, the emissions are the same.  If you go
faster, you just produce them more quickly.

If what you said was in fact the case, we'd use less
and less gas per mile the faster we went.  I can
personally attest that this is, sadly, not the case.  ;)

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