[Diy_efi] Flood of Humvee 6.2L diesel engines on ebay.

Avery Nisbet anisbet
Mon Jun 20 22:58:04 UTC 2011

I think this has been happening over the last few years or so.

Do these engines have electronically controlled injection pumps?  Or
seeing as the Humvee has been in production since the early 80's are
they full mechanical?
If electronically controlled which GM ECM's will work?

Relating the the langth of Humvee production how diffrent are these
engine from the Olds v8 that killed the Diesel market in the US?

Also most are listed as needing a rebuild. Is this going to be a
extremely expensive or is it much like a normal GM V8 rebuild plus
slightly more expensive bearings and piston rings?



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