[Diy_efi] 'Logmaster?' & Facebook formatted as discussion site...

m k m1k3k1
Wed Mar 13 19:05:30 UTC 2013

Facebook? just a glorified man-in-the-middle-attack, I am in no hurry to have a facebook account.

Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 16:17:40 +0800
To: diy_efi at diy-efi.org
From: niche at iinet.net.au
Subject: Re: [Diy_efi] 'Logmaster?' & Facebook formatted as discussion site...

Thanks Paul and all the others that responded,

I havent as yet opened it up, came with some other

unrelated gear as settlement of a debt, might turn

the box into something useful for more direct efi

functions. Before I do scrape out the old innards

I'll upload some photos to th same link...

btw: I wonder if admins &/+ support staff of this email list

have considered linking to a facebook prepared link, one

that is set up more for discussions and photo sharing etc,

certainly more convenient re photo-libraries & uploading etc

I'm ok with email as I can upload to my own web space but,

wonder if it is worth considering facebook for more structured

support and easier access through free mobile feeds such as

several telco's now offer free bandwidth to access facebook

in their connection plans etc - We might also get some new

members too ?



At 01:56 AM 12/03/2013, you wrote:

Looks like one of the first
versions of a Trip Computer.  They came with enough sensor
connections to compute your trips to a closer tolerance than your
speedometer.  IF that's what this is, you install this system, which
comes with a Cruise Control, in your vehicle.  It has a Memory that
logs several inputs and converts that information into multiple Data
Displays on the screen.  You find one of those 'Marked Miles' areas,
on the freeway (They usually have four or five miles accurately marked
off!!'  You enter that corrected information.  You enter your
odometer mileage, then fill your tank and then enter the gallons pumped
into the tank.  After five entry events, the trip computer will
determine how far until you need to fill your tank and adjust that
information according to your speed.  Several Trip computations and
the deluxe models had temperature sensors that could be put inside and
out or one under the hood and one outside, where ever your heart
desired.  If that is what this is, you have an Antique and if it is
complete,  a cool bit of retro automotive history.  And if it
isn't, then I have no idea what it is! 


Paul D. Donovan

CTO & Co Founder

Magnetic Air Power


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