[Efi332] list changes and appeal

bowtievette at aol.com bowtievette
Sun Mar 19 16:26:21 UTC 2006

>I hope you will not close this homepage.
The efi332 page will not be closed of my accord. We'll just leave it open for reference.
>I guess there are a lot of unfinished boards out there but maybe there is a some 
>kind of obstackle keeping the boards from beeing finished. 
No doubt. There are all the normal diy hurdles of implementing your own system plus
all the ones associated with programming, loading code, etc for the 332.
I have just sent Steve 
>10 dollars as a small contribution. Hope more who likes this forum will send some money.
Your contribution is generous, but that is not what the issue is in the referenced email. I was 
just stating that whatever is done with the list format, it is not likely to offend many
because the membership is small and generally inactive with this design.
>Just because there aren?t any action going on doesn?t mean there aren?t no (future) need....
>For myself, I could buy a commercial system but no, my interst is to learn more about this. 
>I am not an electrical engineer but still I am interested. I have soldered together a 
>two layer system a couple of years ago and I have had two persons, at different times, 
>who said they could help me with the communication( my main obstacle) between the 
>computer and the efi system. But then they got kids etc and haven?t had time to do 
>this so I have waited.....and waited...and waited..and didn?t want to bother you with 
>this...until now....
Fire away with questions, I'd be glad to help. It sounds like your first obstacle is with
downloading software to the board(s). That solution depends on what PC environment you will
use. I know the windows solution well, but there are Linux solutions as well.
Once you get software loaded, communication is eased.
>I also have a four layer system but i haven?t done anything with that since the 
>two layer system was put together and all i needed was to get help with the bits 
>with the communication part and try it on the 2 layer first. If this was achieved 
>I had the intention to present this info to the forum....but now, if this site is 
>going to be closed, I have to kindly ask if there are people out there who have 
>managed to make/modify the needed programs to suit 2/4 layer boards my applikation, 
>that is a four cylinder, turbocharged engine with dual spark coils and a 60-2 trigger 
>wheel with a bosch induction sensor, and map sensor and TPS also.
>Maybe there is a possibility to collect and present downloadable already made 
>sucessfull running "program suites" for 2/4 layer boards with different combinations 
>of engines, sensors, etc, if people are willing to contribute to this ?
There are only 2 folks actively running efi332 units that I'm aware of. There may be more
but they aren't talking. So there's not much history to draw on for your particular combination.
The Sourceforge site for efi332 (http://sourceforge.net/projects/efi332) has working 
embedded source for the 4 layer board which can be made to work with the 2-layer. This suite
is set up for a V8 but is easily adaptable to any engine. There is also a console
program there to interact with the embedded code but since it is based on Labview,
you may want to do something different. I think Paul Helmuth has a windows based
console application that he developed that could probably be made to work.
And there is a second set of code on the efi332 site itself by Al Grippo , also set up for a V8.
The 2-layer design does have some inherent weaknesses so you may be better off investing your
effort with the 4-layer board. 
Seriously though, you have to weigh the merits of getting all this to work in light of
the hurdles. There are at least a couple of options that are easier to deal with, one of
which is Megasquirt which is close to turnkey by comparison. Not quite as capable as efi332
(yet) and perhaps less rewarding from an intellectual perspective, but a quicker and easier
path to getting up and running. 
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