'7747 bin wanted/TPI conversion

Marc Piccioni piccioni at cadvision.com
Thu Mar 19 02:01:14 GMT 1998

ASDU would be real close to the actual rear gear ratio of 2.91. Any chance of sending me the .bin file ? 



From: 	Shannen Durphey[SMTP:shannen at grolen.com]
Sent: 	November 18, 1999 4:55 AM
To: 	gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: 	Re: '7747 bin wanted/TPI conversion

Marc Piccioni wrote:
> What series is the truck 1500, 2500 or 3500 ? Also could you look on the
> option decal and see what the engine code is it will usually start with a
> "Lxx".
> Thanks
> /Marc
Marc, almost all trucks that I've worked on are set at 0 from the
factory.  The main variation is the 90s vintage 454, which is 6 or 8
ASDU is for an LO5, 700R4 trans, 2.73 rear gear.  I must have missed
your first post, what were you looking for?  I have a few pickup .bins

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