700R4 not shifting out of first.

Marc Piccioni mpiccioni at attcanada.net
Thu Aug 12 00:13:09 GMT 1999

Suggest that in addition to new fluid you pull out the governor and clean it. If it stuck open the tranny will not shift right.

From: 	Todd....!![SMTP:atc347 at c-com.net]
Sent: 	August 11, 1999 3:14 PM
To: 	gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: 	Re: 700R4 not shifting out of first.

Hello all,

While we're on the subj of trans probs....

I have an 84 Chev silverado truck, 305 V8, and 700R4.

One day, several years ago, the thing just didn't shift from first to
second after starting it in the morn to go to work or college, can't
remember which.

It drives FINE in first, but just won't shift!  Reverse works fine as

If shfter is pulled all the way down to first gear, the engine will slow
the car down after acceleration, however, if the shifter is placed in
any other forward gear selection, the engien does NOT slow the truck
down after acceleration, the engine just goes back to idle after
acceleration and release.... (no engine breaking occurs in this case).

Was told by a pro to drain and replace the trans fluid with fresh, and
add a substance known as LubeGuard in an attempt to free any stuck

Anyone here have any other/additional/different advice or tips to
correct this non-shiftin situation?

All input is considered!

Any input is appreciated!


mailto:atc347 at c-com.net

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