749 in a 730 - troubles

CSH-HQ nacelp at jvlnet.com
Thu Aug 12 01:44:44 GMT 1999

What ecm in 93?.
If not 730 for forget it, also must be dist.  sounds like major malfunction 
for the combo you want.  Can you get a diacom to work?.

>Searching the archives, I found a lot of talk about putting the Syclone bins 
>in 730's.  Having a 93 sunbird with a 3.1, I decided to go ahead and try 
>it(after some quick modifications with promgrammer).
>The car runs pretty well, actually, but the ses light is on and it won't 
>give me code.  Also, the speedometer won't work.  Do I have to set a byte 
>for the type of speed sensor I have?
>I'll probably ditch the whole idea if I can't figure out why the light is 
>Any ideas?
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