749 in a 730 - troubles
nacelp at jvlnet.com
Thu Aug 12 15:55:38 GMT 1999
Your still not telling us what you've got going one. I have run 730-749, and
the reverse. Did you change map sensors?. Speedo input. Noticed that in one
route TCC inop.?.
>CSH-HQ wrote:
>> What ecm in 93?.
>> If not 730 for forget it
>93 J-car 3.1 uses a 730.
>Jeremy Gonyou wrote:
>> Searching the archives, I found a lot of talk about putting the Syclone bins
>> in 730's. Having a 93 sunbird with a 3.1, I decided to go ahead and try
>> it(after some quick modifications with promgrammer).
>I haven't quite figured out what the second interface chip (34984 or
>79435) in a 749 does. It for certain runs the second P+H injector
>driver. But it has been reported that the SyTy doesn't use that
>feature. The 2nd chip might provide an extra input port or peripheral control.
>Perhaps the SyTy code expects the functionality of this extra chip, and
>gets confused when it is missing. That might be why 730 chips work in a
>749, but not the other way around. (730's are missing the 2nd chip.)
>> The car runs pretty well, actually, but the ses light is on and it won't
>> give me code. Also, the speedometer won't work.
>Sounds like the chip/CPU is totally out to lunch and you're running in
>limp home mode. Did you verify your programming of the EPROM? And that
>there are no bent pins and so on?
>> Also, the speedometer won't work. Do I have to set a byte
>> for the type of speed sensor I have?
>Yes. That's a known byte(s) in the SyTy, so promgrammer ought to know
>how to set it.
>Ludis Langens ludis (at) cruzers (dot) com
>Mac, Fiero, & engine controller goodies: http://www.cruzers.com/~ludis/
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