EPROM Removal

Shannen Durphey shannen at grolen.com
Sat Aug 21 23:48:22 GMT 1999

Eric Clark wrote:
> I have a 16159278 with a BDZL prom.
> I removed the eprom from the memcal last night and read it with the burner
> i just bought.  After examining it last night it looked like I messed it
> up pretty good.  This was solder in and was quite a pain to remove.  Can I
> just pickup most any old memcal at the junkyard and transfer my knock
> module or is it not that simple?

You were pretty determined to get that bugger out.  If you look
through the DIY_EFI archives there should be information on a
connector that can be modified for reading the eprom without removal
from the memcal.  I could be corrected, but if you can safely remove
the 2 knock modules, and the memcal has the same eprom, you should be
able to make the transfer.  What's your time worth?  The last memcal I
bought was around $30.  How many hours do you have into the now bad

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