DIY WB update
nacelp at
Fri Aug 13 16:05:41 GMT 1999
Do It Yourself, Wide Band.
This is meant to be TOTALLY NON-PROFIT,
If someone/folks want to organize a group purchase (of materials), fine.
Other then that, hell no.
A bunch of guys, have a ridiculous amount of hours invested in this, and to
let anyone capitialize on their backs, is flat insulting. This effort was
years in the making. If anyone has a problem, understanding this, write me
off list, and I'll go over it in detail.
From: "Eric Fahlgren" <efahl at>
Subject: Re: DIY WB update
> rr wrote:
> > I want to thank everyone that helped me with the DIY-WB
> > design. Unfortunately I don't have the list of folks with
> > me at the moment. So I'll post another thank you later
> > today giving recognition to everyone on the team. This was
> > truly a team effort! Note that this design is based on
> > Chad's original work.
> Bob et al,
> Yes, thanks very much for the effort, guys! I hope it was fun.
> > The package on the web site contains schematics, parts
> > list, chip selection guide and contruction tips. I didn't
> Now if some industrious individual were to put together
> a complimentary parts package (with or without sensor) to go
> along with the board, I for one would be willing to pay a generous
> surcharge just to avoid the hassle of doing it myself. Anyone?
> Eric
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