7747 spd limit first, trip timers next?

Tyler Townsley ttownsley at sprynet.com
Thu Dec 9 22:47:48 GMT 1999

The reference to navigation was not that I think it is needed but using
the same technique one could use the different pulses from each front
wheel over time to figure the distance turned to the left or right vs
going strait and then actually draw a diagram of where you traveled.
Using the same idea and info you figure hp tq at the same points.  Yes
you will see wheel slippage but even that can be useful.  I have a ckt
design a computer hardware friend did for me that I can post if someone
tell me how to post it its in jpg format..  If I can get it working I
can use some Clipper code I wrote to use diacom data to figure rwhp to
chart said information for analysis.  The ckt uses a parallel port and
can handle 6 inputs.  I ain't smart enough to make it and he is not a
car nut so its never been put together.

As Grumpy says nothing is ever easy.  When you look at logging data
things get complicated fast.  One cannot just look at the pulse and
expect to log/save/display the information.  You have to sense the pulse
and count it over time and at the same time present it to the data bus
to the computer.  The ckt design uses radio shack items to count pulses
over a 25 msec time, save in a buffer what has just been counted and
forward it on a printer port line.  The timing is in the same ckt so as
to not tie up the processor with trying to count and store what is going
on.  One is going to need all the processor time you can get to
calculate hp tq and present it in near real time on the computer.  I
will admit what I have is rough but it is a budget type project that got
beyond my skills at the hardware level.  If you give me the data stream
on the printer port that I can read/store in a dbf file I can write the
software (dos based Clipper programs that can be compiled under Linux
too, they probably could be complied using Visual Objects to run under
windows) that can do the hp tq calculations.  As I said above I did this
using the diacom dbf file conversion feature but the sampling rate ,rpm
reads and mph were not fast enough to give a meaningful analysis(Diacom
records rpm in 25 rpm increments OBD I).  Using the program and diacom
file data I came up with 360-380 rwhp on my car, when I finally got it
on a rear wheel dyno the figure was 400 so I was close but the 25 rpm
increments is too far apart to get down to a good enough readout to make
meaningful analysis.  Using the same file calculation you can chart any
of the diacom readouts against an approx hp/tq readout for analysis.  If
anyone is interested in the rough .prg files that use the diacom dbf
files for this I can zip them and email to you.

Tyler Townsley

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