OBDII cable source

Andrew K. Mattei amattei at mindspring.com
Fri Dec 24 15:22:27 GMT 1999

>OBD-II cable.
>Order # 101-002
>Price: US$ 40.00 (plus shipping, if ordered separately).

Unfortunately, that's about "average" price.
^( http://www.iitems.com/autoxray/ has 'em for $34.95, and
http://www.bb-elec.com has 'em for $44.95. Tempted to try
http://www.packard.pios.com and get them to sell me p/n 12110252 OBDII
Shell, 12110254 OBDII Clip (retainer for the shell), and 12047581 Male
Terminals... I understand that to put one together thorugh Pioneer Packard
that it's about $12-$15 + shipping... but nowhere near as "pretty"...

Thanks, though!

Still lookin',


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