M6811DIS Disassembler

TK terryk at foothill.net
Sat Jul 10 17:23:05 GMT 1999

Hi Dave,

What is the max length of a label title? On the older version it was 5
characters or something like that. 8 would cover most GM pnuemonics.
Otherwise things like KFABM2 and KFABM3 look the same in the disassembly.

Terry Kelley

-----Original Message-----
From: Donald Whisnant <dewhisna at ix.netcom.com>
To: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu <gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Thursday, July 08, 1999 11:27 AM
Subject: M6811DIS Disassembler

>Hi GMECM'ers...
>Back a couple of years ago, I offered free copies of my 68HC11
>code-seeking disassembler on the main DIY_EFI list (since GM uses
>Motorola processors almost exclusively) and have had many people
>request a copy...  At that time, I had no instruction manual written...
>Recently, I've finished the manual and have posted a new ZIP of the
>disassembler on my website for all to download, along with some Motorola
>documents...  Soon I'll also have Alan Baldwin's AS6811 assembler (the
>assembler my disassembler was targetted for) online as well...
>I am also working on writing several new versions of the disassembler
>to overcome the limitations of this DOS 16-bit version...  Those will
>be posted when they become available...  You can read about those
>versions on my site...
>To download the disassembler goto:
>(all lowercase)  Once there, goto the downloads page...  There will
>be a link for downloading the disassembler...  The link will take
>you directly to my machine where I have the file (we have dynamic IP's
>so you must go through this front-end)...  Because of the IP's, you
>can bookmark the front-end page on midsouth.rr.com, but don't bookmark
>anything on my machine directly, as they will be invalidated when our
>IP's change... ...  If you have problems contacting the machine, try
>later -- RoadRunner cable modems have problems quite often (usually a
>major crash once every 2-3 weeks!)...
>I also ask that you fill out the online form to "register" -- I enjoy
>tracking where my programs go -- so far this one is in over 12 different
>countries! ...  You don't have to register if you don't want to, but
>I would prefer it and any information submitted will be kept
>completely confidential...  You can also "vote" for versions that don't
>exist yet to help determine which versions should have top priority...
>While there, feel free to browse the rest of the site -- though much
>of the site is still under heavy construction and is very incomplete...
>Donald Whisnant
>dewhisna at ix.netcom.com

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