3800 series II swap, please read :)
Shannen Durphey
shannen at grolen.com
Sun Jul 11 01:45:08 GMT 1999
TK wrote:
>>Could there be a DRAC type unit involved where you have to resolder jumpied
> First what does DRAC stand for
Digital Ratio Adapter Controller ("Controller" might be something
>and second, no. VSS to the PCM. 2k and 4k
> output to speedo, TFE, ABS
ECM output to ABS? Are you sure? FWD brake systems are diagonally
split (LF + RR, RF + LR). ABS usually uses two inputs for front wheels
and ride control.
> >>>From that I can tell, the speedo VSS output is just buffered VSS signal.
> I
> >>can move the divisor and road speed constant all over hell and the ECM
> >>changes but not the VSS output to the speedo.
> >>
Strange... You can change the speed read by the scantool, but the
speedo stays the same? Can you get a correct speed reading out of the
> >>>If the hookup is VSS -> ECM -> speedo, and the raw VSS is much higher
> >>>than 4000 ppm, then it may be possible to reprogram a divisor which will
> >>>affect the speedo.
Here's where a DRAC could help.
New circuit might be VSS -> DRAC -> Speedo
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