3800 series II swap, please read :)

Todd Israels israels at mnsi.net
Fri Jul 16 02:21:13 GMT 1999

At 07:29 PM 7/15/99 -0400, you wrote:
>> It's possible that after 30-60 minutes there is more than just the tip of
>> the injector being filled with fuel...  I'd throw a FP guage on the fuel
>> rail and see how far it drops after 30 minutes or so... Sounds like the
>> injectors are leaking quite a bit more than they should to make it so rich
>> it smokes... 5-10 drops won't do that!
>> I'd also aske the guy that cleaned them to show you documentation that
>> are "allowed" to drip a certain amount... All the service manuals I've
>> looked at show that the pressure shouldn't drop more than 1-2 PSI after an
>> hour and should still have pressure after sitting all night.
>Well, I've physically looked at the injectors on the rail but out of the
>engine .... and after 30 - 60 mins.. the little clyinders at the tips of the
>injectors are completely filled.. so perhaps it is more than 5 - 10 drops?
>Also , I did look at the book of his that said that 1 drop per minute is
>allowed... however.. I completely agree with you in that they shouldn't leak
>at all.. (one of them is dry as a bone ... it's 5 that are leaking.. two are
>bad, three not so great)
>Cheers ,
	I have a 2.8l Fiero hat does this I also suspect leaking injectors.  On
warm restart put foot to floor so no fuel is injected.  A couple seconds
clears leaked fuel let foot up and starts imediatly, try this(was cheaper
than new injectors)
	Are the first few injections at start very big contributing to this
problem, if anyone has looked at this parts of the code.
						Best Luck
						Todd Israels	

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