a MAF too small (!)

Dave Zug dzug at delanet.com
Thu Jul 22 10:48:50 GMT 1999

> Date:          Thu, 22 Jul 1999 10:08:01 -0400
> From:          Frederic Breitwieser <frederic at xephic.dynip.com>
> Organization:  Xephic Technology
> To:            gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
> Subject:       Re: a MAF too small
> Reply-to:      gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu

> Even my suggestion is not entirely complete.  If you double the airflow, and
> double the fuel flow, you will have maintained the same mixture air to fuel.
> .....

Heres a new one: How about if, when I change the injectors I just 
make the new MAF bypass tube exactly the same ratio change as the 
injectors ratio change? I mean stock injectors were 22#, new 
injectors are 28#  so I add inlet area to the MAF that is 28/22 
larger than the original!  NO ECM CHANGES!  did I hit on something 
here? at idle the car would see  less airflow than stock , and 
provide a reduced inj pulse.. which is correct cause the injectors 
are exactly proportionally sized larger.  huh.

oh oh.. I just screwed every MAF chip maker out of money.

Dave Z. www.delanet.com/~tgp

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