What to DO?
Marc Piccioni
mpiccioni at attcanada.net
Thu Jul 29 23:42:27 GMT 1999
I'm in the process of converting a '83 Malibu to TBI, managed to get a pump
and sender unit from a 88 chev "G" Van and compared it to the original
pickup. The retaining rings are close enough that the van pick up will fit
the 83 tank. Minor mod's to block off the extra vent tube that I don't
From: Squash[SMTP:realsquash at yahoo.com]
Sent: July 28, 1999 5:58 AM
To: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Re: What to DO?
I don't know about a monte carlo, but on the chevy
trucks, a 1987 EFI 350 truck sender/pump unit will
bolt into a 73-86 non-efi chevy truck (same with
subs/blazers 87-91 into older ones). I suspect that
this will work for a large number of other GM
vehicles, the only variable being the depth of the
tank. I don't know 4 sure.
--- steve ravet <Steve.Ravet at arm.com> wrote:
> Squash wrote:
> >
> > First, no matter if you got TPI or TBI, save
> yourself
> > an assload of time/money and steal the tank AND
> sender
> > from an EFI suburban (1987-1991). There were 2
> types
> > of sealing "rings" on the top of the tanks,
> 1973-1982
> > had one and 83+ had the other, and It look like
> the
> > sender from say a 1989 efi sub will fit a 1985
> tank.
> > In-tank pumps are the way to go.
> >
> > SquaSh
> I'm slowly getting caught up on old email, 250 left
> to go....
> Are you saying here that the sender/pump assembly
> from an EFI vehicle
> (say a 747 truck) will drop into an older gas tank,
> say a '78 Monte
> Carlo?
> --steve
> --
> Steve Ravet
> steve.ravet at arm.com
> Advanced Risc Machines, Inc.
> www.arm.com
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