hot fuel module
Marc Piccioni
mpiccioni at
Fri Jul 30 15:38:21 GMT 1999
Yes, it was a 3/4 ton.
From: Shannen Durphey[SMTP:shannen at]
Sent: July 30, 1999 6:15 AM
To: gmecm at
Subject: Re: hot fuel module
Marc Piccioni wrote:
> The '88 chev van 'G' that donated its wiring harness and fuel pump has a
> module that my local GM dealer can't figure out what it is. From tracing
> the wiring I believe it is a "hot fuel module" or at least that is what my
> non-GM wiring diagrams call it.
> It has 3 wires - 1 to +12, 1 to gnd. and 1 to the fuel pump hot side.
> Does it maintain fuel pressure if the ambient temperature is above a
> certain temperature to prevent vapour lock or ?????????
> /Marc
The hot fuel handling module will keep the pump running for about 20
seconds after the vehicle is shut off to push hot fuel out of the fuel
lines. It's purpose is to purge vapor from the lines to reduce hot
crank times, and it's used in vehicles subjected to large workloads.
Was the van a 3/4 ton or larger?
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