160 baud ALDL data stream format - reference URL?

Peter Gargano peter at ntserver.techedge.com.au
Wed Jun 2 12:43:21 GMT 1999

I looked through the archives and found an explanation by Steve 
Ravet (thanks Steve), of the 160 baud ALDL data stream. The diagram
goes something like this:

       160 baud data format - 1 bit time

             S   0        1    S
         ..__     ........_____    ...
             |   ^        ^    |   ^
             V___|........|    V___|.. 
            T0   T1  T2   T3   T4

Time T0 to T4 is 6.25 mSec (ie 6.25 mSec = 1/160 Sec ==> 160 baud)
     T3 to T4 is minimum of 0.5 mSec
     T0 to T2 is between 1.5 and 2.3 mSec

A zero or one bit is determined at time T2 (the  sample time).
A low voltage is a 1 logic level and a high voltage is a 0 logic
level for the bit.


I'm not sure what time T0 to T1 is, and I'd like confirmation 
of the other times shown above. Is T0 to T2 really between 1.5
to 2.3 mSec., I would have expected it to be a bit larger?

I was also wondering if there is a primary reference URL 
someone may know about that describes the times T0 to T4.

Thanks guys,
Peter Gargano

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