160 baud ALDL data stream format - reference URL?

jgwynne at mrcday.com jgwynne at mrcday.com
Wed Jun 2 13:34:34 GMT 1999

   In message <375526E9.811E6D0F at mail.techedge.com.au>, you write:
| I looked through the archives and found an explanation by Steve 
| Ravet (thanks Steve), of the 160 baud ALDL data stream. The diagram


| I'm not sure what time T0 to T1 is, and I'd like confirmation 
| of the other times shown above. Is T0 to T2 really between 1.5
| to 2.3 mSec., I would have expected it to be a bit larger?

IMHO, it really doesn't matter. It's easy for a single chip computer
to do the detection:

             S   0        1    S
         ..__     ........_____    ...
             |   ^        ^    |   ^
             V___|........|    V___|.. 
            T0       T2       T3

            t1-t0 > t3-t2 => 0
            t1-t0 < t3-t2 => 1

(excuse the notation...) Without doing the math, I suspect this is a
Bayes detector for these data. I can post the C code I'm using if
interested. It uses the 332's TPU to "time stamp" transition times
and make the above decision. 

john gwynne

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