More silly ideas

Matt S Bower m.s.bower at
Thu Jun 3 15:43:30 GMT 1999

Curriosity kicking in here.  Does anybody know what the life cycle drift
is on the map sensors such as how many years does it take the signal to
shift say 5% for the same pressure setting?

Bruce Plecan wrote:
> What if someone wanted to use a straight full time baro correction (for a
> MAP system)?.   Could it be done as simply as using a 1bar MAP referenced to
> atmosphere, and then the output from that one used as the reference voltage
> to a second MAP that is referenced to the engine vacuum.
>    Then carrying this further how about as a correction for 2+3 bar MAPs?.
> All of the above would be require deleting the baro calc from the prom, and
> recalibrating the Tables, that are VE related.
> Bruce

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