More silly ideas-MAP2

Dave Z dzug at
Thu Jun 10 21:31:42 GMT 1999

> From:          "Gary Derian" <gderian at>
> To:            <gmecm at>
> Subject:       Re: More silly ideas-MAP2
> Date:          Wed, 9 Jun 1999 09:09:10 -0400
> Reply-to:      gmecm at

>....  So any air moving in
> > the engine compartment that would cause a relative baro change at the
> > point of air entry would result in the same effect of a different baro
> > effect to the opperation of the engine.
> >
> > Does this sound right?
> >
> > Matt

What we care about is the density of the air we are bringing in. If 
we put a ram on the intake.. we are altering the density and baro 
does not apply so much as the density of the air coming in the 
scoop... it has been improved over the density of the still air.
Does it make sense that if we scoop the air and compress it slightly, 
the BARO reading we took is not of much accurate use unless we take 
VSS and the scoop's signature into account? how many 
rigged scoops do you suppose are installed on MAP cars.. will that 
make the block learn go funny, possibly making a mechanic take 
corrective steps that are not nessecary?  interesting. (or completely 
off.. one or the other ;-)

does that sound right? 

Dave Z - 87 GN 12.74 @ 105 w/1.84 60'
               13.02 @ 103 on 94 octane
       - 89 IROC 5.7 Now Supercharged!
       - 89 Turbocharged GP 13.9 (retired) 

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