Codes and Torque convertor lockup

David Cooley n5xmt at
Mon Jun 14 13:38:52 GMT 1999

At 08:23 AM 6/14/99 -0500, you wrote:
>A story from the f-body list, this was I believe with a 97 f-body,
>someone with 94-95 code may want to check and see if there is a
>similar code in theirs and how the computer reacts if that code is
>set.  I did not see a code like this in the 93 computer.

On my 95 lesabre, there was a code for excessive trans slippage...
Also, there was a routing that checked TPS and acceleration MPH/sec...
If it was under a specific amount for more than a set period of time, it
would unlock the TCC and lock out overdrive until the car was shut off and
re-started...  Found this out while towing a HEAVILY loaded uhaul trailer
from TX.

David Cooley N5XMT Internet: N5XMT at 
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