CSH,HQ, Remote email software question.

Pat Ford pford at qnx.com
Thu Jun 17 17:10:56 GMT 1999

Previously, you (Peter D. Hipson) wrote:
> That should work well, I like Eudora--easy to use, learn, adn works very
> well. When I had my heart surgery this spring, I ended up not
> bothering--the same problem, they wouldn't let me plug anything in. 

 that is SO STUPID in a O2 rich environment I'd preffer a transformer over
lead acid batteries and way over anything with lithium in it.

 I'll try to find out what I used when commercial diving (deco chamber 
rated stuff should work). I think the CE spec ( not m$ c.e.) or ul rated 
stuff should work? 

 The other possible work around is get a NEMA exposive env. rate enclosure 
and put the pc poweer supply in there ( I forget the NEMA number for this 
type of enclosure but a commercial electrician should know it)

just passing thoughts

> At 12:16 PM 6/17/99 EDT, you wrote:
> >Hi guys,
> >I apologise for the short time frame on this..
> >BP will be using a 486sx25 w/ 4 mb ram ..
> >Is there a really friendly email program that 
> >is RAM conservative?.  I'm leaning toward 
> >Win31, winsock, and Eudora.  The machine 
> >has only 4meg of RAM.  If there is a 
> >"FRIENDLY" alternative that I can set up
> >in two hours or so please lemme know.
> >Would like to FedEx handheld PC to him tonight.
> >I know nothing about Linux, but if it offers a friendly
> >and idiot (me) proof alternative, I'll do it.  Especially if
> >BP will have an easier time using it.
> >Thx,
> >Mike V
> >
> >
> Thanks, 
>         Peter Hipson (founder, NEHOG)
>         1995 White NA Hummer Wagon

Pat Ford                           email: pford at qnx.com
QNX Software Systems, Ltd.           WWW: http://www.qnx.com
(613) 591-0931      (voice)         mail: 175 Terrence Matthews          
(613) 591-3579      (fax)                 Kanata, Ontario, Canada K2M 1W8

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