OBDII finally in OZ?

Richard Wakeling kojab at ar.com.au
Sun Jun 27 01:02:04 GMT 1999

Hi Ross,

Ross Myers wrote:

> What can you tell us about the theft codes for a VR?, what is the polling
> message and what is the correct BCM response to let the thing fire up?.

	I too have been looking for these messages but for some strange reason
have not been able to capture them which seems odd. Gives me the
impression there maybe a second data line between the BMC and PCM that
is not wired to the DLC.

      Ross do you know the location of the VATS in the VT calabrations?

> >Note PCM : SERVICE NO 16234531   BCC CJDN-1927  PCB is marked "P8".
> Sounds like you took the lid off to see the insides of the PCM, I thought
> they still used the smaller Memcal type socket like VS which says to me they
> are not OBD-II.

        Yes you are right about the memcal size, its the smaller type as
used in the VS eco. Does this mean that none of GM vehicles use OBDII in

Cheers Richard.
> Regards
> Ross Myers

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