reset vector on a 68hc11

Pat Ford pford at
Mon Jun 28 12:45:12 GMT 1999

Previously, you (Bill Shaw) wrote:
> > what I'd like to do is get C source code, I know that in most places I'll
> >have
> >re-do the code. I'm using this as an educational type thing and IF I get C
> >that
> >will set the ecm up the same as the gm code ( read the same tables the
> >same way >...)
> >then tunning will be easier. And that would also make it possible to use a 730
> >as a generic microcontroller ( try to find a single board computer that
> >does all
> >a 730 does for $35)
> It might be quicker to just re-write the code in C.  

I was thinking that, but it's nice to see how it was done.

>Do you have an hc11 emulator?  It's really tough to get any significant piece of code running
> without one.

nope, don't have one. any idea of price for one?

> I'm thinking about using a newer GP PCM like this,  with a 68332 and BDM
> board from the EF332 project.

 once again any idea of price for one. I have a 730 and harness ( thanks Paul T.)
so I thought it would do.

> Bill

Pat Ford                           email: pford at
QNX Software Systems, Ltd.           WWW:
(613) 591-0931      (voice)         mail: 175 Terrence Matthews          
(613) 591-3579      (fax)                 Kanata, Ontario, Canada K2M 1W8

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