Any update on Bruce

ECMnut at ECMnut at
Mon Jun 28 23:03:36 GMT 1999

Ya know, when ya beg for help on this list, it comes
from many different directions, in many forms.
 I know that I bug BP on a non-stop basis for tech 
info & ideas.  He never gets tired of it.  If you are new
to the list, check the archive under Programing 101,
you'll see what I mean.  I have two items that need

1. Thanks to all who offered advice & input in getting BP's
     computer set up.. The list of names is long.  I'm
     sorry if I haven't responded to thank each one personally.

2. BIG thanks to Steve Gorkowski, who not only sacrificed 
batteries & backpacks to the cause, but he drove 1-2 hrs
and delivered the whole sha-bang to BP..  Steve was bound &
DETERMINED on this project (I couldn't get rid him)  <grin> .

Seriously, he put forth quite a bit of time & effort for a fellow 
lister whom he had not previously met in person.  
This list is a great little corner of cyberspace, with many great 
people..        <back to your regular *programming*>
Mike V.

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