Hallelujah, I figured it out, or How to use a SyTy .bin with DIS

Tedscj at aol.com Tedscj at aol.com
Fri Mar 5 02:28:24 GMT 1999

I figured out how to get the reference pulses in sync with a SyTy .bin

 I'll try to make this short but complete.
The Reference Pulse put out by the DIS module to the ECM is 70 degrees too far
advanced in comparison to what a HEI module would put out.  So when the ECM
sends back the EST signal, it too is 70degrees too far advanced.  Needless to
say, this causes drivability problems.

In Promgrammer '98, which programs SyTy bins, there is a KREFANGL value.
According to the P4 document (which describes the inner workings of the SyTy
Eprom) this KREFANGL is supposed to adjust for any difference between TDC and
the Reference Pulse timing.

The problem I was having is that no matter what value I put in for the
KREFANGL, nothing happened or changed.  

So the solution is in KMAXRTRD2.  This, according to the P4 Document is
supposed to be the maximum amount of retard *relative to KREFANGL*.
Apparently this is wrong.  When I adjusted this value to 70dgrees it allowed
me to adjust KREFANGL back 70 degrees.  And now everything is timed right.

So to sum up:  You adjust KMAXRTRD2 to 70 and KREFANGL to 70, and then EST
signal comes in sync with the DIS module and everything SEEMS to be working.


PS   The 70 degrees comes from:  60degrees is how far the reference pulse is
off  PLUS 10degrees is how far advanced the DIS is in EST BYPASS mode for a
total of 70degrees.

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