PCBoards for Projects...

Marc Piccioni mpiccioni at attcanada.net
Sun Mar 21 03:51:51 GMT 1999


From: 	Bill Shaw[SMTP:bshaw at connix.com]
Sent: 	March 20, 1999 1:32 PM
To: 	gmecm at esl.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: 	Re: PCBoards for Projects...


I just finished a schematic for my Camaro interface last night.  Would you
like to start with that?  It's ALDL to 232, O2 meter & street dyno

Bill Shaw
'78 124 Spider
'86 Camaro (wet and white weather)
'88 Caprice Estate Wagon (an ark, but SHE likes it)

>I was browsing around the web today, and found http://www.expresspcb.com
>- - where they let you download the software, and will take your created
>file and make you a PCB. The cost for 2 custom boards is roughly $50
>each. However, at 10 boards, they're under $20 each. The catch? The
>software is *really* simple. I can't find an autorouting routine, so you
>need to plan the routes yourself. No silkscreening. However, it is a
>2-sided PCB with finished vias.
>Seems like a reasonably logical approach to getting a design in physical
>form. I'd be willing to give layout a try if someone would like to
>share... ;) Otherwise, I might go ahead and build a "monster" board -
>consisting of an EPROM reader/programmer, the MAX232 ALDL circuit, the
>dual-bank ECM memory using flash, and maybe another circuit I have in
>mind... ;)
>Just an idea...
>- -Andrew

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