P-4 or P-6?

David A. Cooley n5xmt at bellsouth.net
Mon May 3 10:56:31 GMT 1999

At 07:54 PM 5/2/99 -0400, you wrote:
>I'm getting confused here! How can all these configurations be considered P6. 
>	I"m working on the 94-95 LT1 (8051) computer. It is the HC11F1 based and uses
>two 512K Flash proms. The 96-97 PCM is nearly Identicle on the E side but
has a
>1024K flash on the T side. I thought this was also a P6, the E side is very
>similar to the 94-95, with very similar tables located only 30 to l00 bytes
>different from the 8051.
>	The 92 mentioned with a 27128 Eprom sounds like a very different beast. I
>the 93 LT1 PCM was an older Batch Fire design with EProm, not Flash, and a
>single processor.
>	What really makes a P6? I assumed it was Flash memory and Two processors that
>seperated them from the P4's.

Nope.. GM calls mine a P6... It's a single processor (though there is a
"timing chip" that appears to be a 2nd processor of sorts), single board,
EPROM based PCM.  According to GM, P6 refers to the type of processor...
the HC11F1 is designated P6 by them, but they also state that it was
discontinued in 96, so I'm confused... Possibly the newest is a variant of
the F1 and it's a P7 or P8?
           David Cooley N5XMT           Internet: N5XMT at bellsouth.net
     Packet: N5XMT at KQ4LO.#INT.NC.USA.NA   T.A.P.R. Member #7068
   Sponges grow in the ocean... Wonder how deep it would be if they didn't?!

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