Accel AS&M S&P Follow up
Mark Romans
romans at
Tue May 11 05:05:11 GMT 1999
I went straight to Lingenfelter and bought the Accel Superram base for
$345.00 and the Superram runners and plenum for $600.00. They use the stock
fuel rails, they even come with the plugs to plug off the cold start
injector. (since the superram doesn't have provisions for the cold start
injector and you won't need it in the bay area anyway)
-----Original Message-----
From: Squash <realsquash at>
To: gmecm at <gmecm at>
Date: Monday, May 10, 1999 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: Accel AS&M S&P Follow up
>First, good luck finding a manifold w/o the DFI. I've
>tried. Second, how much is the FP ECM? How much is
>the Wide-band O2 sensor? The batch fire version with
>the wide-band O2 is $2000 and the sequential version
>is $2700!
>Here's the part number for the Accel superram intake:
>N/A. That's what my accel catalog says.
>None of this means anything if you have $10000 to
>spend on your injection.
>How much do you want to spend?
>p.s. if you want to mix and match, buy the accel
>single-plane intake. It comes with rails pre-machined
>and the bosses are cast and machined into the intake
>(and you can buy it separately for $450 from jegs and
>summit). Then you get the injectors, harness,
>computer, etc that you want. With your setup, the
>single-plane will prolly be a better choice for
>upper-RPM flow. Maybe not.
>--- Greg Hermann <bearbvd at> wrote:
>> >--- "Chris G. Lucas" <tagurit at> wrote:
>> >> Do they offer the SupeRam stand-alone, no
>> computer?
>> >> I would like that.
>> >
>> >No. You must buy the whole system with DFI ECM.
>> I believe that this is an incorrect statement. If
>> you cannot find it, I
>> will look up a part #. Let me know.
>> >
>> >
>> >> >If you are going TPI, I would suggest taking a
>> >> look at the F-P
>> >> >performance (Fel-Pro/Federal Mogul) SEFI8LO
>> >> computer, and seriously
>> >> >consider spending some extra bucks for the wide
>> >> band O2 option for it.
>> >
>> >Super bucks. Mega bucks. I forgot to point out
>> >before that this is the MOST expensive option.
>> If you think FP is expensive--check out MoTeC of EFI
>> Technology!!!! Yeeee
>> Hawww!!
>> The FP is rather good value for the dollar if you
>> compare features,
>> programmability, etc. with the DFI unit, for not a
>> lot more money. Pay
>> particular attention to the minimum incremental
>> adjustment to injector
>> pulse width which is possible with each of these
>> units when looking at
>> features. This factor becomes VERY important when
>> trying to tune a big
>> motor to have decent street manners, as compared to
>> just trying to get it
>> to run down a 1/4 mile!
>> As I said before--the Autronics unit offers the
>> same, maybe more features
>> as the FP, for maybe a bit less money, but is not as
>> friendly to
>> program--although it IS VERY programmable.
>> It
>> >runs great, but you must ask yourself if it is
>> worth
>> >the extra thousands of dollars.
>> Hardly. Check it out. Info from elsewhere:
>> --------------------
>> For folks searching for information pertaining to
>> Speed-Pro Electronics
>> Engine Management Systems (formerly Fel-Pro or FP
>> Performance) here is a
>> link:
>> -----------------------
>> >
>> >> I have heard good stuff about it, but they don't
>> >> sell a manifold system,
>> >> do they?
>> The big Accel manifold is pretty decent, and should
>> be available
>> separately, if not from Accel, from Lingenfelter.
>> >
>> >And there is no manifold system, just
>> harness/ECM/O2
>> >combos.
>> So get the manifold, injectors , rails, and
>> regulator from Accel, the
>> wiring and electronics from F-P.
>> >
>> >> -----------------------------------
>> >> >
>> >> >I personally would not touch either of the other
>> >> options (besides DFI)
>> >> that
>> >> >you mentioned with YOUR ten foot pole!
>> >> -----------------------------------
>> >> Curious, could you say why?
>> Because of ease and accuracy of tuning issues.
>> >
>> >The S&P is a great option, possibly the best if you
>> >are willing to spend some time re-working the
>> tables
>> >in the ECM (Its a GM 730).
>> >
>> >> Degrees Duration @ .050 Int./Exh.= 226/234
>> >> Degrees Advertised Duration Int./Exh. 288/296
>> >
>> >This is cammy in my book.
>> Me too. I would go with the MSD's for this one.
>> >
>> >> >get your engine to idle and do light loads with
>> the
>> >> MSD's, if it has a
>> >> big
>> >> >cam, even though their fuel atomization is not
>> >> quite as good as you get
>> >>
>> >> >with the Bosch pieces.
>> >
>> >With this cam, i don't see how anyone could even
>> tell
>> >the difference in idle spray patterns.
>> It's done with high speed photography---
>> Regards, Greg
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