Misc Electronics

Frederic Breitwieser frederic at xephic.dynip.com
Wed May 12 17:44:42 GMT 1999

> WHY d'ya bake your heads in the oven mang?

Over easy with a slice of bread makes for a good breakfast.

> Were ya powder coatin em or what?

Ceramic coating (Techline), it reduces detonation by resisting heat
transfer to the piston tops, valve heads, and the chamber inside the
head... which in turn allows more boost and/or higher compression
ratio depending on your combination.


Frederic Breitwieser
Bridgeport CT 06606

1993 Supercharged Lincoln Continental
1989 HWMMV w/turbocharged 500cid Caddy
1975 Dodge D200 Club Cab soon to have 431 stroker + turbos
2000 (I hope) Buick GTP (Mid-Engined Sports Car)

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