BCC 3067 axxc / disassembly

Shannen Durphey shannen at grolen.com
Sat May 15 02:43:12 GMT 1999

jsg at donet.com wrote:
> I've received the '730 MEMCAL with gm part #16163066. It indeed has a
> BCC of 3067 axxc. I compared the binaries to 3072 axxd
> from http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~davis/z28 and they differ only by the
> id info, checksum, and fuel cut off speed limit. they are identical in
> every other way.
> I would like to start an effort to disassemble this code with the help
> of some/many of you. I would like to produce something similar to what
> the ECMGUY did, but without errors.... also include cross ref tables,
> flow charts, etc...
> are there enough interested in this that it can be done as a group?
> john
What can I do to help. I'll jump right in.

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