Injector Firing Voltage

Programmer nwester at
Sun May 16 02:54:31 GMT 1999

The purpose of a 0.1mfd cap is to combat a problem of an injector driver
being unable to hold
the injector open--called a "ringing" problem. The injector pintle is
oscillating in the "ringing" pattern--the cap is a quick fix for a faulty
injector driver circuit. The vehicle will be on the lean BL side (higher BL
number to correct the lean problem). You can actually see the ringing in the
scope pattern--there's quite a few examples of this at the CARS forum in
Compuserve (Techs Only) file section.

Lyndon IP TECH
-----Original Message-----
From: JTesta1966 at <JTesta1966 at>
To: gmecm at <gmecm at>
Date: Saturday, May 15, 1999 3:50 PM
Subject: Re: Injector Firing Voltage

>In a message dated 5/15/99 4:13:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>nacelp at writes:
><< So this flyback/kickback, is a very large issue.
> This would seem to imply to me, that the stock ecm doesn't clip the
> by reverse biasing a diode, to contol it, but rather use a scheme, where
> they deal with it.  Maybe clipping these signals has a adverse affect on
> injectors opening/closing.. >>
>You know, theres a issure of a trade magazine where I saw them use a cap
>across the injector, to cuew a rich running problem. It was a TBI Chevi
>w/350 A/T, wonder if it was to combat this "spike" voltage which might have
>made the injectors bounce.

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