Aargh. (was Re: Now what?)
Ara Bedrossian
ara.b at ix.netcom.com
Thu May 27 02:30:17 GMT 1999
Anybody know where we can get PCM connectors or harness so that I don't have
to splice into the existing wires?
----- Original Message -----
From: TK <terryk at foothill.net>
To: <gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: Aargh. (was Re: Now what?)
> Well said Mike,
> I am more than happy to spill my guts. I also have to wander through other
> people's guts too.
> I think it's the "send me all of your work" that bugs some of us.
> Terry Kelley
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shannen Durphey <shannen at grolen.com>
> To: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu <gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu>
> Date: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 9:54 AM
> Subject: Aargh. (was Re: Now what?)
> >Mike Pitts wrote:
> >
> >> You should read any Motorola MCU manual you can get your hands
> >> on. The HC11 is my favorite.
> >>
> >> -Mike
> >
> >Read Motorola manual.... I've tried many times to do that. Puts me to
> >sleep faster than a bad movie. Can read, and only guess. Where to go
> >to "do" after the "read" ?
> >I'll explain this differently. Let's say I've got a book that
> >provides technical details about pistons. Trying to understand engine
> >operation from that book would be, at best, a chore. So I run out and
> >buy something like Vizard's books, that talk about different types of
> >pistons, and rod ratios, and crankshaft materials, and ring types.
> >I've got some pretty hefty notions, but still no idea of what to do to
> >overhaul my stocker, or even how to tell what's worn when I
> >dissasemble it. But I see pictures of torque wrenches, and
> >micrometers, and other tools in the book. Thinking I'm going to need
> >them, I run out and buy bunches of tools, maybe end up with an
> >inch-pound torque wrench, or a set of inside mics that only go to 2",
> >not really knowing what's going to work. I still have made no
> >progress on getting the engine work done, but I've sure started a
> >collection of stuff.
> >I had to give myself a pat on the back the other day. Someone asked
> >about using multiple proms, and I accurately predicted the answer
> >would involve the "chip enable". I've seen that a few times. After
> >that, I was lost. Like many other times, I saved the posted answer
> >for a later day.
> >
> >Someone, please, volunteer some clues for the guys that are doggedly
> >hanging in, watching for useful stuff. Books, beginner's lists,
> >something. I'm going to end up so durn frustrated that I go back to
> >school for 4 more years, just to learn to understand a small aspect of
> >what's inside a .5625 square inch piece of silicon.
> >I've helped some guys on the list with some mechanical stuff that's
> >pretty basic. It's not a problem for me. I know that everyone has to
> >start somewhere. Many mechanics feel that they've worked hard to
> >learn the tricks and tips they use, and they're not going to give them
> >out to anyone. I see no reason to make everyone re-invent the wheel.
> >I've chosen to learn much of what I know, and don't mind sharing,
> >especially with someone who wants to learn. It's not going to cut my
> >throat to help a list member understand how to diagnose their own
> >driveability problems, or to tell the difference between an exhaust
> >rattle and a gear noise.
> >
> >Some guys seem to treat this programming info like it's reserved for a
> >chosen few. Generally, the people on this list are willing to help, I
> >think they just forget where some of us stand in the puddle of
> >knowledge.
> >Shannen
> >*doing the clue mating dance*
> >
> >
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